JDBC Tutorial

JDBC stands for Java Database Connectivity. JDBC is a Java API that allows you to interact with databases from Java programs such as executing SQL statements, retrieving results, and managing database connections.

JDBC offers a standardized way for Java applications to connect to and interact with various database systems including MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and others.

With JDBC, you can write database-independent code, allowing you to switch between different database systems without making significant application code changes.

Section 1. Getting started with JDBC

This section helps you get started with JDBC by understanding what JDBC is, how to create a new database, and how to connect to the database from a Java application using JDBC.

Section 2. Performing common database operations

  • Creating a table – show you how to create a new table in the database using the Statement object.
  • Insert rows into a table – Learn how to insert a row into a table using the PreparedStatement object.
  • Batch Processing – show you how to perform multiple SQL statements as a batch to improve the performance.
  • Updating data – guide you on how to update data in a table.
  • Selecting data – learn to retrieve data from a table and iterate over the result set using the ResultSet object.
  • Deleting data – delete one or more rows from a table.

Section 3. JDBC Transactions